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Message on the 32nd anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Slovak Republic

Message on the  32nd anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Slovak Republic

Message on the
32nd anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Slovak Republic


    On 3 September 2024, the Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Bangkok will hold a ceremonial reception on the occasion of its national holiday - the Day of the Constitution of the Slovak Republic - to commemorate the 32nd anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Slovak Republic on September 1992.

    Its approval was preceded by an act related to the adoption of the Declaration on the Sovereignty of the Slovak Republic. It was approved by the Slovak parliament on 17 July 1992, at a time when the Slovak Republic was still part of the Czech and Slovak Federative Republic and negotiations were held between the Czech and Slovak representatives on the further arrangement of unions between Slovaks and Czechs. Its adoption moved this process towards an agreement on the partition of Czecho-Slovakia.

    The Constitution, in addition to forming a summary of basic legal norms on social organization, political organization and the status of citizens, also determines the separation of powers as one of the basic principles of the rule of law. On its basis, the legislative power in the Slovak Republic is represented by the National Council of the Slovak Republic, the executive power by the government and the president, and the judicial power by the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic and impartial, independent courts. The greater part of the Constitution of the Slovak Republic entered into force on 1 January 1993, that is, on the day of the establishment of the independent Slovak Republic.

    Part of this year's reception of the Embassy of the Slovak Republic, which will be held at the Hotel Sukothai Bangkok, will also be a performance by the world-famous Slovak mime Milan Sládek, who will introduce himself to guests in a selection of impressive pantomime scenes.